Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Apartment Search

So John and I went to Cali and spent about an hour at the Recorders Office and now have our Marriage License!!

We have been back only a couple days and we have been busy trying to find that apartment that we are going to live in. As of an hour ago... we have put in our first application for an apartment that we fell in love with. Cross your fingers that we get it.


Unknown said...

Have you checked out NoPayTenants.com?

Here's the link http://nopaytenants.com/

Kaylene Myers said...

Yeah, you have a blog! (I say that as if I have one...which I don't, not yet at least). Anywho, I can't wait to see pictures from the wedding and keep in contact. You two were such a beautifully handsome couple and I'm so glad I got to share you're fantastic day with you.

Hearts and loves,