Thursday, June 10, 2010

One year! Big News!!!

Wow i just realized that is had been almost a year to the date since I have updated. Well John and I have been married now for 11 Months... Wow where has the time gone. On top of that we have exciting news.... No we are not pregnant... but we are moving to Logan. I know why would we move so far now... well School is a big part as well as our awesome friends live up there. We went up on Monday to take a look at an apartment... by tuesday we had signed the comtract and paid the deposit! 1100 sq ft. for 520!!! awesome! Wednesday we bought a washer and dryer set for 200! and then today within 2 count it 2 hours of us putting our contract up I have had 5 phone calls from couple wanting to look at our apartment and I already had one couple come over and look and should be calling management to take over our contract. I can't believe how fast this has been. I am transfering to the Sam's Club up in Logan, so i get to walk to work seeing how close it is to my new apartment and John is getting a job working with his friend so it is almost done... USU here we come! I can't wait til July 3rd!